Like many writers, I’ve received my fair share of rejection letters. They are all very polite, but basically tell you nothing as to why the stories were rejected. Whilst this isn’t very useful for me, I get why agents do it – responding in person to hundreds of rejections a week would be impossible. However, if writers know what they need to change, everyone benefits, as agents receive stronger material in the future.
To help everyone, I’ve created a simple feedback form that can be completed in seconds:
Feedback from Agents In Literature (FAIL)
Dear Writer,
Thank you for sending your stories. Whilst I was thoroughly:
reading your submissions, we do not feel they are not the right fit for our agency at this time.
You clearly/probably/possibly/don’t [delete as applicable] have talent, but need to consider your:
Career choices
more carefully.
If you are considering submitting new material to us, please wait:
6 months
1 year
5 years
Until I retire.
Please do not be discouraged by this rejection. We are confident you have a great career as a:
Children's author
Whatever you're currently doing
Conspiracy theorist
in front of you.
Although your work is not a fit for us, you should definitely consider submitting it to other:
Vanity publishers
Family members
Recycling facilities.
Kind Regards,
Readum and Weep, Literary Agents